Welcome to eTruck Transportation, LLC
Based out of Omaha, NE, eTruck is a female-owned, privately held, totally green company. eTruck is pursuing a new electric drive system for trucks that will reduce their massive fuel consumption by up to 65% with a like emission reduction.
About Us
The Knudsen Family, focused on reducing fuel consumption, carbon footprint, and operating costs for trucks, recognized an opportunity in the market as there are over 4 million Class 8 and 1.4 million Class 6 trucks on the road. They worked with engineers with a proven track record for inventors of 25 patent applications to develop their eTruck Drive System (ETDS).
This system will, initially, "retrofit" existing Class 8/Class 6 trucks that are already on the road today. Businesses today, like Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc, are struggling to achieve that "final mile delivery." eTruck can place its drive system in their Class 6 box trucks to resolve these issues, and with e-commerce booming, there is major upside potential to doing so. This Class 6 box truck will be available in the latter part of 2021, with Class 8 trucks in testing with production starting in 2022.